General Information

  • Play Group
  • Nursery
  • Jr. Kg.
  • Sr. Kg.
Admission Process

The admission process comprises of the following stages:

  • Obtaining the Brochure and application form for Admission, from School office.
  • Submitting the duly completed application form and supporting documents to RAY'S International Admin. office and paying the Registration fee within the specified period.
  • Acceptance of the admission by the parents and payment of applicable fees / charges expenses.
  • Confirmation of admission by RAY’S International Pre-School.
Age Criteria

For admission to RAY'S International,

  • Playgroup Children completing 1.5 to 2.5-years.
  • Nursery Children completing 2.5 to 3.5 years
  • Junior KG Children born in the year – 3.5 to 4.5 years
  • Senior KG Children born in the year – 4.5 to 5.5 years
Application for Admission

The brochure, application form for admission and relevant documents can be obtained from the School Office. The application form duly filled along with a recent passport size photograph affixed must be submitted to the School Office on or before the last stipulated date, along with the following documents:

  • Original Birth Certificate or certified true copy of the child's Birth Certificate, on which the name of the child is mentioned.
  • Non refundable Registration fee in cash or demand draft drawn in favour of "RAY'S Educational Society" payable at Mumbai.
  • Transfer Certificate from the last school if attended any. If the child is coming from outside Mumbai, the Transfer Certificate should be duly countersigned by the Education Officer of the area.
  • For children (Indian nationality) coming from abroad the Transfer Certificate must be duly attested by the Indian Embassy / High Commission. The date of birth of the child should be clearly mentioned in the Transfer Certificate.
  • Two stamp sized photographs of (i) child (ii) both the parents to be submitted along with other documents.
  • Medical Certificate should be provided in case the child has any medical history.
  • Photo copy of Vaccination card.
  • Medical Certificate.
  • Kindly ensure that the application form is complete in all respects, so as to facilitate the admission process.
Acceptance of Admission

Admission will be confirmed on receipt of the following, within the specified time.

  • Applicable fees / Charges / Expenses.
  • Transfer Certificate from the last school attended.
  • Admission Acceptance form.
  • The admission Acceptance Form, to be signed by parents, seeks to confirm among other things, their financial responsibilities to the school, an agreement that they and the child will confirm to the regulations of the school in force from time to time. And that the school will not be liable for any damages or charges on account of injuries sustained by the child during his / her stay at the school.
School Transportation (Optional Facility)

RAY'S International has a fleet of SUV vans to pick up and drop children, subject to general demand and on first come first serve basis. Bus charges will have to be paid for the whole year in advance.

School Uniform

RAY'S International prescribes uniform for all its students. Students are expected to take pride in their personal appearance and to confirm to all rules governing the school uniform. The wearing of uniform creates a sense of belonging to the school. The details of the uniform will be provided upon admission to school.


Payable quarterly : To be paid by way of Cash or Demand Draft drawn in favour of "RAY'S Educational Society" payable at Mumbai.

  • Details of fee structure can be obtained from the school office.
  • The fees should be paid in three installments.
  • The fee schedule given is subject to change from time to time in accordance with the rules and regulation duly notified.
  • Surcharge per month is charged if the fees / charges are paid later than the specified period.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded.

RAY'S International has put in place policies and regulations necessary for the effective functioning of the school. It reserves the right to amend its policies and regulations wherever and whenever considered necessary and appropriate. The information contained in this publication, the current "Application for Admission" form and accompanying documents is an indication of RAY'S International's plans as on the date of publication of this document. Neither this publication and the descriptions contained herein, nor the current "Application for Admission" form must be construed to bind the School to any specific polices or regulations. The submission of completed "Application for Admission" form does not guarantee admission. Although all possible care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, RAY’S International gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility, for any errors or omissions, however caused. It is advised to check for confirmation of information contained herein with the authorized representatives of the school.

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